Don't allow creditors to harass you. Protect yourself from creditor harassment by calling the debt collection attorney at The Law Office of Eva M. Donohue, P.A. in Lakeland, FL. Attorney Eva Donohue can draw on her years of legal experience to keep harassing creditors at bay.
If you're tired of dealing with creditor harassment, turn to The Law Office of Eva M. Donohue, P.A. Schedule an appointment as soon as possible by calling 863-687-6400.
The Law Office of Eva M. Donohue, P.A. in Lakeland, FL knows the ins and outs of the:
Florida Consumer Collection Protection Act (FCCPA): A state statute that regulates the way creditors can go about collecting debts.
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA): A federal statute that puts limits on creditor debt collection activities.
Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA): A federal statute that regulates communication from debt collectors.
Attorney Donohue will take the steps necessary to stop creditor harassment. If debt collectors continue to harass you, she'll take them to court.
Schedule a free consultation at The Law Office of Eva M. Donohue, P.A. today. We serve those throughout the Polk County, FL area.